
Part 1: Identifying coins and their value

This is the first step in learning money. I use songs to help with this, but first I get students to examine each coin with a magnifying glass and discuss each coin separately.

What/who is on the front?
What's on the back?
What do you notice about the edges of each coin?

The tiny one is the dime.
The middle is the nickel. 
The big one is the quarter.
The brown one is the penny.

Part 2:
Counting Money

Touch Math

A great way to help your child count money. If they are able to skip count by 5s, they can count money. Each time they touch a dot, they say, "5."

Another way to help with money is to practice skip counting.
Saying, "Let's skip count by dimes," will help them remember that dimes are 10 cents.
"Let's skip count by nickels," helps them remember nickels are 5 cents. 

Setting up a store at home for money practice is fun. They can buy pencils, toys, etc. If they give you the correct amount they can keep the item!

A great way to practice coin recognition, their name and value. 
Have your child glue/tape REAL COINS on an index card.
Have them write the value and name above and below each coin.
THEY CHOOSE where to place the coin around their living space:
-On the headrest in front of their car seat
-Near the light switch in their room
-on the fridge
-bathroom mirror
-they choose!

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