Saturday, September 7, 2013

Heuristic Play!

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Heuristic play was a term coined by a child psychologist 
Elinor Goldschmeid in the early 1980's. Heuristic play 
describes the activity of babies and children as they play with 
and explore the properties of 'objects'. These 'objects' are 
things from the real world. 

We live in a world where plastic toys dominate the shelves of 
toy shops, but plastic is dull and disappointing for babies, and
while each rattle may look different each one smells, tastes 
and feels the same - it is unstimulating to a babies senses. 
Using heuristic play with babies stimulates all the senses, 

creating a rich learning experience. 

Click here to learn more about how to include heuristic play 
in your child's daily playtime. 

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