Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Fun indoor games!

Tic Tac Toe Toss

(You can use number cards, letter cards or sight word cards!)

You will need:
bean bag/ball/etc.

To play:
(Set up: put tape on floor for tic tac toe)
1-place cards in squares
2-each player takes turns tossing their ball on a square
3-read the card where you land and keep your card if you read it correctly
4-play until all cards are gone

Toss it!

(You can use number cards, letter cards or sight word cards!)

You will need:
buckets/large containers
bean bag/ball/etc.

To play:
(Set up: put buckets on floor)
1-place cards in buckets
2-each player takes turns tossing their ball in the bucket
3-read the card from the bucket and keep it if you get it correct!
4-play until all cards are gone!

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