Decoding (sounding out words)
Word attack strategies:
While reading, your child may come to a word they need to decode (sound out) because it is not a sight word. Use these strategies below to help them figure out the word!
*NEVER cover up a picture when children are reading. Looking at the picture helps them figure out the word in early development. Once they grow older, they will learn to use other strategies!
While reading, your child may come to a word they need to decode (sound out) because it is not a sight word. Use these strategies below to help them figure out the word!
*NEVER cover up a picture when children are reading. Looking at the picture helps them figure out the word in early development. Once they grow older, they will learn to use other strategies!
Click here to get your own copy.
More resources for CVC cards here.
Encoding (spelling spoken words verbally or on paper)
Still have those magnetic letters? Use them to help your child spell words once he knows all his sounds.
An activity to do that incorporates many learning skills is below:
1-Create an "ABC arc" with a placemat. Write each letter or simply draw a line of an arc.
This example is from this website. I created mine with 5 boxes in the center of the placemat where the child can place each letter of the word you spell.
2-Have your child put the magnetic letters in order on the arc.
3-Call out a CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) word. (example: dog)
4-DEMONSTRATE FIRST! Pull each letter down to each box in the center of the placemat to spell "dog."
5-Reiterate that "d-o-g" spells dog. Sound it out slowly while pointing to each letter.
6-Return letters to their place in the arc.
7-Continue with more CVC words for your child. Commend them on a job well done after each word. Positive reinforcement has tremendous power!
Stumped for more CVC words? Click here!
GAMES:'s blog has a great game for practicing CVC words.
Click here for the boards. Click here for some dice!
Grab your chalk and head outside! Spell some CVC words in the driveway!
Still have those magnetic letters? Use them to help your child spell words once he knows all his sounds.
An activity to do that incorporates many learning skills is below:
1-Create an "ABC arc" with a placemat. Write each letter or simply draw a line of an arc.
This example is from this website. I created mine with 5 boxes in the center of the placemat where the child can place each letter of the word you spell.
2-Have your child put the magnetic letters in order on the arc.
3-Call out a CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) word. (example: dog)
4-DEMONSTRATE FIRST! Pull each letter down to each box in the center of the placemat to spell "dog."
5-Reiterate that "d-o-g" spells dog. Sound it out slowly while pointing to each letter.
6-Return letters to their place in the arc.
7-Continue with more CVC words for your child. Commend them on a job well done after each word. Positive reinforcement has tremendous power!
Stumped for more CVC words? Click here!
GAMES:'s blog has a great game for practicing CVC words.
Click here for the boards. Click here for some dice!
Grab your chalk and head outside! Spell some CVC words in the driveway!
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